
Chaperones are needed at ALL marching rehearsals, home and away games, as well as on every trip any of our ensembles may take – short or long.

Thank you for volunteering. Keeping our students safe and healthy is our top priority as boosters. Your willingness to donate your time to this effort is appreciated.


Use these links to sign up to volunteer for chaperoning:


Chaperone Details For After School Practices

  • Ice – we use the ice from concessions. On Tuesdays, we will fill bags with ice and place them in the kitchen freezer. These can be used for Monday and Thursday practices.
  • Drinks/Snacks
    • Weekday practices: We will only provide water in a cooler. The kitchen is well stocked with cups. If we begin to run low, please let me know.
      Students are responsible for their own snacks at weekday practices. Keep a couple snacks on hand for students who may feel faint from blood sugar being low. Use the band kitchen sink sprayer to fill the water cooler and add ice from the kitchen freezer.
    • Saturday practices: We will provide water and Gatorade. We will put out snacks on those days. Mr. King will advise us on break times. Empty coolers at the end of each night. Please wash the Gatorade cooler.
      To make the Gatorade: The gatorade mix is on snack shelves in the band kitchen room. Read side for instructions on scoops per gallon. The drink coolers have gallon markers on the inside of the cooler. Add the water using the band kitchen sink sprayer and add the appropriate number of Gatorade scoops. Use the whisk in the utensil drawer to mix and then add ice (may need to account for an extra scoop or two of powder depending on the amount of ice added).
  • First Aid – use first aid bag #1. It is fully stocked. If you do use an item from the bag, please replenish it (supplies in band room kitchen). Also in the bag is the white binder with medical information. If you administer first aid, please check the students profile first and then log any aid provided.
  • Monitoring – if the band stays in the building, chaperones should set up in the hallway between the cafeteria and band room. If students are on the field or stadium, chaperones need to be in these areas with them.
  • Dismissal – when practice is over, one chaperone should go with the students to the bus loop and monitor pick up. The other chaperone should stay in the band room until all students are gone. Please check the restrooms before going outside. One chaperone needs to remain on the bus loop until all students have departed.
    • *In the event of inclement weather, please take students to the gym and dismiss them from there. Students should not be outside waiting if it is thundering and lightning.
  • Please let the chaperone chair know if you notice that we are running out of stock of any of the needed items.

Thanks again for volunteering!